The safety of our workers, as well as yours,
will always be the #1 priority in every decision
Prime Mechanical makes.
will always be the #1 priority in every decision
Prime Mechanical makes.
Our goal for all projects is to have ZERO injuries and ZERO accidents.
This goal is attainable because of the safe work practices we have developed. Our employees are thoroughly trained and required to follow these safe work practices. We are committed to safety and our supervisors implement safety and training into each and every element of each and every project.
All employees have a minimum of OSHA 10 training. New employees receive a safety orientation outlining Prime Mechanical’s safety policy and procedures. This orientation is conducted prior to their assignment in a work area. The orientation covers our company safety plan and safe work practices. The immediate foreman or safety manager will conduct this training. All orientation training is documented and turned in to the office where copies are maintained in company files. No employee will be allowed to perform any task for which he/she has not demonstrated competency or who has not been given training and instruction in how to perform the task with necessary skill and safety.
Each foreman conducts weekly toolbox safety meetings with appropriate safety topics related to their job site. These safety meetings will be used to discuss the next week’s scheduled work and review any safety concerns and/or specific safe work practices for the scheduled tasks. The safety manager provides assistance and reviews all weekly topics. Supervision ensures that all personnel are competent to perform the work assigned. Competency is understood to mean that personnel have the necessary craft skills to safely and satisfactorily preform the tasks to which that are assigned.
Prime Mechanical realizes that everyone’s well-being depends on giving conscientious attention to every possible hazard in every task performed. Safe work practices are followed at ALL times and ALL tasks are continually analyzed to determine if changes are required to further protect the health and safety of our employees. Because of changing conditions on any project, hazard assessments are performed as often as deemed necessary as well as when any additional scope of work is added to the project or new tasks are introduced.